Lean-To Chicken Coop

The Lean -To is a lovely little space saver. It is designed to allow you to set it against a building or wall. Find the size that is right for you.

Standard Features

Paint or Stain
Keyed Entry Door
Chicken Door
Chicken Ramp
Nesting Boxes
Roosting Bar
Vent Lid or Vent
Window(s) w/screen(s)
Aluminum Drip Edge
Asphalt Shingles
5/8″ LP Flooring w/ 10 yr Warranty
P.T. Legs & Runners
LP Tech Roof Sheathing

Available Sizes

Size Base Pricing
3x5 (1 Window) $1,430
4x5 (2 Window) $1,965
7x8 (2 Window) $4,700
7x10 (3 Window) $5,035
7x12 (3 Window) $5,380
7x16 (4 Window) $6,055

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